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Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Raw Politics: A humble Seymour and overspun Simeon

This week, Raw Politics assesses the response of our political leaders to the demands of the week-long tangi for Kiingi Tuheitia.
Newsroom political editor Laura Walters, senior political reporter Marc Daalder and co-editor Tim Murphy discuss how coalition leaders faced the Kiingitanga movement and wider Māoridom at a time of acute political sensitivities.
We look at Act leader David Seymour’s brief, important, anxious time speaking on the paepae in front of the late King’s family and chiefs and leaders from throughout te ao Māori. Will the power and passion from Turangawaewae change Seymour’s perceptions and practices, if not his party’s policies?
Is there any real chance of kotahitanga (unity, or a spirit of collectivity) in our politics?
And how will the accession of Kuini Nga Wai Hono i te Po as the eighth Kiingitanga monarch change the movement’s style of engagement and challenge over the Government’s agenda on things Maori.
Then, the panel pulls a handbrake turn on Transport Minister Simeon Brown’s spin about raising road speeds, cutting out speed bumps and funding future roading promises. Can the economy really be saved by drivers speeding up around town and on the highways?
Our reader question asks if the Wellington Hospital proposal to cut out free toast and Milo for mothers who have just given birth was a serious plan or if it was bureaucrats employing the famous “Washington Monument” tactic to shame politicians.
Finally, the panelists recommend something to read, listen to or watch on the weekend ahead:
Raw Politics will be available on Apple podcasts or wherever you get your favourite shows every Friday, and you can watch it on YouTube above.
